We have compiled a number of key metrics and reports from your analytics data in the Pugpig Distribution dashboard for you! These reports cover what we consider to be all the key metrics you'll need for your Pugpig Publish and Bolt apps.
You can find these reports and metrics in your Google Analytics Add On which can be found in your Pugpig Distribution Dashboard under Analytics > Google Analytics.
Before you can view this data you will need to ensure you have completed the setup of your Google Analytics property with Pugpig.
The Google Analytics Add On provides metrics and information on:
- Content - how often users are downloading your content, how far through your app content users are getting and how many users are viewing what.
- Users - how many users your app has, what devices and operating systems they are on and where your users are.
- Interactions - what your users are doing, what users are looking at and what they are tapping on when they are in your app.
- Scorecard - the Scorecard pulls out key metrics such as 'number of new users' and 'number of sessions per user' and monitors these numbers month on month so at a glance, you can see how your app is performing.
- Revenue - lets you monitor your in-app purchase revenue.
- Versions - allows you to see what version of your app users are running.
There may be cases where you need very specific information about your app and can't find the information you want in these reports. In this case, we would advise using the Google Analytics Dashboard to run some more complex reports.
Please note we are constantly working on improvements and updates to this interface so it may differ from the screenshots and information printed above. If you have any questions about the data you are seeing in your Dashboard please contact support@pugpig.com.
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