Configure Config.plist
To enable this replace the OPDS Feed URL in your config.plist entry with two arrays of strings, OPDS Feed URLs and OPDS Feed Names, which contain URLs and display names for multiple feeds.
<key>OPDS Feeds</key>
<string>Rest of World</string>
Styling your Feed Switcher screen
The feed switcher can be styled using the following theme keys.
- @"Feeds.BackgroundImage.Landscape"
- @"Feeds.BackgroundImage.Portrait"
- @"Feeds.BackgroundColor"
- @"Feeds.Title.TextColor"
- @"Feeds.Title.Font"
- @"Feeds.Title.FontSize"
- @"Feeds.List.TextColor"
- @"Feeds.List.BackgroundColor"
- @"Feeds.List.SelectionTextColor"
- @"Feeds.List.SelectionBackgroundColor"
- @"Feeds.List.Font"
- @"Feeds.List.FontSize"
If you have chosen to set a background image for your Feed Switcher you will need to create an entries in your theme.plist for these:
On iOS you should then create an image set (folder directory) in your Xcode project's assets directory with the same name as set in the theme.plist above e.g feedSwitcherPortrait or feedSwitcherLandscape. Drag and drop appropriately sized image files into the image set so the project can reference them:
For your convenience, we have put together a set of template images that indicate a rough placement for the Feed Picker labels on various devices. This should prove useful to designers who want to make this feature more prominent.
Feed Picker Background Templates
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