The Pugpig Distribution Service takes content from your Authoring Service and pushes it to your apps. It's also the place you configure, create and manage all your Pugpig apps.
What you get with the Pugpig Distribution Service
A fully hosted and managed content distribution service. The Pugpig Distribution Service means you don't need to look after any consumer facing infrastructure. In the event of an infrastructure failure, your consumer's access to content is unaffected. It’s Kaldor's responsibility to ensure the Availability Service Levels detailed in the terms and conditions are met.
Automatic extraction of new editions/updates into the Distribution Service. The Pugpig Distribution Service pulls content directly from your Pugpig-enabled Content Management System (CMS). You create the content in the CMS, everything else is handled by the Distribution Service. The Distribution Service will poll each of the CMS's checking for changes based on date and time. If the distribution service finds an edition/update in a CMS with a later date/time than the last edition/update in the distribution module, it will pull the new edition/update across.
New features and functionality. The Pugpig Distribution Service automatically updates with new features meaning you don't need to worry about server updates to get these.
A publication dashboard. The dashboard gives you an overview of everything you need to know about your apps, providing a consolidated view of the apps in the different stores.
Global Content Delivery Network (CDN) using Fastly. This gives you faster content delivery and high availability for your users. Fastly is trusted by clients such as Github, The Guardian, Yammer, and Twitter.
Protected content on the CDN. This helps avoid content being accessed by hackers and third parties. Many clients choose not to protect their content due to its difficulty, but with the new Pugpig Distribution Service we take care of this for you.
Protection against unwanted access to your content. The Pugpig Distribution Service will prevent people being able to link to app content within the CMS directly from a web page when it’s only intended to be accessed in the app. With the Pugpig Distribution Service we will ensure that app content, is accessible only through the app.
Indexed content. The Pugpig Distribution Service allows your content to be indexed by Google for the web reader making your content more discoverable online. Tell us if you want Google to index your content, or if you want it all protected.
An advanced analytics dashboard. Our advanced analytics overview dashboard gives you a high level overview of your analytics (Google Analytics initially) directly from the dashboard. If you provide us with an app Google Analytics key, we will configure the rest for you if you wish.
A fully themeable web reader automatically available and hosted. This used to be a complex IT job to set it up with lots of cross domain issues.
Ability to add your own marketing and promotional slots via the Pugpig Distribution interface.
Ability to send and schedule push notifications using Urban Airship or Parse directly from the Service, previously you would have had to log into the vendors own dashboard.
Incremental downloading. The Pugpig Distribution Service will automatically create smaller ZIP files for incremental downloading, meaning your customers will be able to start reading the edition much faster, rather than having to wait for the whole thing to download as they currently do.
Automatic creation of a snapshot image of every page in your publications. This page can be used in the web reader navigation drawer, or in the visual flatplan.
Built in integrations with many third party subscription systems. The Pugpig Distribution Service has an integration with the following subscription providers: Dovetail, CDS, Palmcoast and QSS, and we’ll add more on request. If you supply the API keys and configuration rules, we will do the rest.
Integration with third party stores, and the receipt validators; iTunes, Google, Amazon, Windows.
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