Creating a Contents Page from Pugpig on Vimeo.
The contents page shows links to pages in your edition and can be used to highlight your content and as a navigation tool.
The links on the contents page are automatically created.
Quick guide:
- Ensure you have created your edition, and note the Edition Tag you are using
- Create a contents page by clicking on the 'Contents Page' tab on the left, and selecting 'Add New'
- Give this contents page the same Edition Tag as your edition
- Fill in the fields you want to use on the contents page - logo, slug, style etc
- If there is content in your edition already, you can now preview your contents page using the 'Preview Changes' button
Detailed Guide:
To create a contents page - Contents Page > Add Contents Page
Apply an edition tag - to assign this contents page to an edition
Give the Contents Page a title - this will not be shown on the page, but will be used in the Table of Contents.
Add a custom logo to the top of the contents page
Add a page slug (shows at the top of the page, can be used for the edition title/date) for ease of navigation
Select a layout for the contents page tiles as static or sortable. Sortable adds the option to filter the content by their sections dynamically.
Select content to display for each article appearing on the contents page e.g. standfirst and author.
You will be able to preview the contents page, using the Preview Changes button in the top right
Configuring the look of the Contents Blocks (links to articles)
The blocks and links on the contents page are created automatically. By default, it will pull in all the content of the edition in the order they appear in the edition - unless the Contents Settings on the article determine other behaviour, eg. hidden, hero or standard.
Use the 'Show standfirst' and 'Show author' options to configure the display of each article appearing on the contents page. These options are generated by the main article content, or custom standfirst and author fields.
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