To create a section, navigate to Articles > Sections from the admin menu. Here you can view or edit all of your existing sections by hovering over each item and selecting ‘edit’ or ‘quick edit’.
Using the panel on the right, you can add additional sections by filling out the name, slug, parent, description and colour fields, then clicking ‘Add Section’.
The Name field is how your section will display on your device
The Slug field is a unique identifier that you must define for this section
The Parent field allows you to define the section as a subsection of a previously existing section. Setting this field to none leaves the section as a parent section.
The Description field is useful as a reminder of how this section should be used to filter your content. This field can also be left blank.
The Colour section allows you to define two custom colours for the section in your application. This helps in differentiating different sections from each other. This field can also be left blank but is applied to your theme by default. You can configure these settings from Appearance > Customise > Section Colours.
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