To create a new edition select left menu item 'Editions > Add New' option.
The following fields will need filling out for each edition you create:
- Title - Internal reference to title of the edition (not visible in the apps)
- Edition cover - Cover image that shows in the edition selector of the apps (2048px height x 1536px width, 96dpi - equaling iPad Pro max size)
- Summary - Short description of the edition, also shown in the edition selector. Long copy may be truncated, 60-80 characters is a good length to aim for
- Newsstand Content - *To be deprecated* Please ignore these fields as they are no longer applicable in iOS 9+
Along with:
- Edition Info:
- Key - unique edition key which can be auto-set by default if 'Automatically create the edition key' feature is enabled in Pugpig Settings, otherwise should follow your agreed naming convention for single issue product ID's e.g com.pugpig.issue.0001 -0001 being the key. The single issue prefix part e.g. com.pugpig.issue. should be set in Pugpig Settings under Issue prefix field accordingly.
- Date - published date in a set format YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD
- Author - optional can be left blank
- Free Edition tick box - is this edition free? Tick if your content is free or leave blank if you want your edition to be paid for in the app
- Has Samples tick box - if paid, do you want to offer an edition preview? You can offer some pages for free in the paid edition as some sample content in the app for users to try.
- Deleted edition tick box - in rare cases when you have published an edition accidentally and it is visible in the app you can use this to tombstone and remove it properly. Important: Unpublishing an edition will not remove it from devices and users who already seen the edition during the period it was published
- Sharing link - optional and can be used to set a global sharing url for all pages however most customers would do page level sharing so don't often use this.
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