When a user clicks on a link to a Pugpig App, we do our best to make sure they end up in the right place. If the user has the native app installed, they should go directly into the app. If they do not, we provide banners at the top of the pages to direct them to the iTunes or Google Play Store if they are on a mobile device. This is achieved using our "Smart Banner". Note that this assumes you are sharing to the vanity domain you've supplied to Pugpig. If you are sharing links directly to your website and wish for this to open in the apps, please see this document. What is The Smart Banner?The Smart Banner has logic that takes the users to the correct place when they follow a deep link to an app page. It can do the following:
Server Side/Distribution RedirectsWhy turn on Strong Security?
Native Smart Banners on iOS and Android
These allow the operating system to show a link to Get or Open the native app in the correct place.
Pugpig Apps
The distribution service will automatically add the correct link, for example:
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=34534534245, app-argument=https://app.vanity.com/2021/07/07/my-story/content.html">
Pugpig SiteThe Pugpig Site plugin will add the correct ones, but only for pages or posts that have a timeline/edition tag (which means they’ve been in the app before). All other pages will deep link to the Home Page of the app. For example, we can’t try to deep link to a page that has never been in the app. Smartbanner Your SiteIf you want to include this on your site, you can simply include the meta tag, using the domain of the app. If you want to have deep links, you’ll need to know the path to the content in the Pugpig CMS <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=34534534245, app-argument=https://app.vanity.com/">
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